The balance of the skin can be upset by many different factors. For example, over exposure to the sun may cause the skin to become dry and brittle. Many people who enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle tend to face such skin problems. Then there are those who suffer from oily skin problems due to genetics. They have naturally oily skin and the excess oil needs to be removed on a consistent basis.
Aloe Vera is a plant which has been known to be an effective skin care treatment for centuries. Aloe Vera has anti inflammatory and anti bacterial qualities; it soothes the pain of burns and wounds and promotes faster healing.
Collagen is a connective tissue found in healthy youthful skin. Collagen helps the skin retain moisture giving it a fuller, firmer appearance. The bestanti aging skin care includes collagen as an ingredient. Most often the collagen comes from sheep.
If your acne condition is only moderate and not serious, then you can go for the over-the-counter type of medications. But please do seek the help of a dermatologist if your acne has reached a severe state, where he will recommend some prescription medications. However, it is still advisable to go for the prescription method even if your acne is mild, because the prescription method tends to be much more effective than what over-the-counter method can offer.
Improving your food and water intake helps your entire body, and your skin is no exception. Drinking more water has the immediate benefit of increased hydration. Well-hydrated skin looks younger - you can practically see the water in the skin of teenagers, and it's fairly easy to guess someone's age by how naturally moist their skin is. Break the pattern by making sure your skin is moist, no matter what your age.
Skin starts to lose its elasticity and lines and wrinkles appear. HA plays a critical role in the rapid repair of wounds and other skin conditions. It is due to the slowing down of cell mitosis, crucial aspect of alveolar repair and regeneration. Healthy, youthful skin comes from the inside.
By replacing the components that naturally deplete with age, we can backward the signs associated with aging.
For extremely oily skin, only oily skin care products are suitable. Your oily skin care routine can include an alcohol based toner (for an extremely oily skin). This can be the second step in your oily skin care routine i.e. just after cleansing. However, excessive toning can harm your skin.
History of Yoga :-
The practise of yoga has a left a trail of imprints that span 5000 years of human evolution. Since its birth, the experience of yoga has been enjoyed worldwide. The sheer number of people who practise yoga is as staggering as the benefits to the spiritual and physical health of its followers. One perspective from which to view it can barely do it justice. The following is but an outline of the major influences on its development that will, hopefully, inspire the desire for a deeper understanding of yoga practise.The Birth of Yoga
Evidence of early yoga has been unearthed from the ground in the Indus Valley of northern India. Archaeologists date the findings back to a period between 2500-1800 BC. The artefacts have been identified as a god and goddess culture surrounded by animals and referred to as Shiva. This discovery has been attributed with being one of the first forms of yoga.
Major Influences on the Development of Yoga
1. Sanskrit
The language of yoga is Sanskrit, one of the oldest system of words in the world. Between 1800- 1000 BC, the Sanskrit -speaking Aryan people migrated from southern Russia into the Indus Valley. Their Sanskrit language continues to be used in yoga practise today.
2. Transcendence
Very early yoga was practised by spiritual leaders as a training ground for the grand union among the spirit, mind and body. Exploration of the mind, the whole self, and the collective consciousness was emphasized. It was the intention to transcend or leave the body behind in order to move beyond it. This wider realm of awareness gave people an improved sense of self and a deeper view of their role within the larger context of the whole world. This continues to be the belief held by many devoted followers.
3. Jainism
The Jains introduced a strict moral code called ahimsa, which means non-harming. To facilitate transcendence, their yoga used extreme practices of fasting, breath control, and postures.
4. Buddha
The 45 years Buddha spent teaching had a huge impact on the development of yoga. His input inspired a blend of religion and philosophy. His practical and non-violent guidance bridged the self-torture advocated by the Jains and the self-indulgence displayed in society. Buddha taught that suffering was due to desire, greed and delusion. His antidote was to practise stillness, focus on the present (mindful meditation) and strive to find serenity in where we are now.
5. Patanjali
Patanjali's belief system has been integrated either in part or as a whole by almost every form of yoga known today. He isolates eight progressive limbs of consciousness.
* Yama: ethics and restraint
* Niyama: moral code of discipline
* Asana: postures
* Pranayama: breathing practices
* Pratyahara: sense withdrawal
* Dharana: concentration
* Dhyana: meditation
* Samadhi: ecstasy
6. Yoga in the West
Early in the 20th century, yoga practise migrated west. The characteristics of eastern and western culture combined to produce a new and slightly different species of yoga. For the most part, yoga in the West has less emphasis on the spiritual inquiry of enlightenment and more on the value of physical fitness. The postures of asana help people to restore musculoskeletal dysfunction, reduce stress, and find fulfillment through exercise.
7. Western Yogis
Paramahansa Yogananda introduced Hatha yoga to the United States. His yoga practise involves meditation, concentration, and energizing the body through asana and pranayama.
Bikram Choudhury brought hot yoga into the foray on the advice of his teacher, Bishnu Ghosh (younger brother of Paramahansa Yoganada). Bikram Yoga is practised at 105 degrees Fahrenheit and focuses on the discipline of specific vinyasa and poses.
K. Pattabhi Jois gave Ashtanga to western yoga. Ashtanga is known for its flow of movement sequences such as the sun salutations.
BKS Iyengar developed the most popular style of yoga in the world today. His mark is precision of alignment, the retention of poses and the use of props to assist with the proper form.
The expanse of yoga defies any size of pigeon hole. So many variations offer anyone a healthier well-being within its embrace. Its benefits are limitless. To paraphrase the Dalai Lama, yoga should be part of the daily lives of every person.
Foods That Bring Smile To Your Teenager - Healthy Teenage Munching :-
The normal assumption is that teenagers love junk food and food that is popular with their peers. While this may be true, it is not wise to let this rule your planning of menus at home. With a little bit of creativity and planning you can create a menu that is not only nutritious, but also something that can put a smile on your teenager's face.
First, for your reference, it would be good to learn what the nutritional need of a growing teenager is. Keep in mind the food pyramid and the quantities of each food group that you need to include.
The food group that must be included in at least 8-10 servings per day is Carbohydrates. These include cereals and starchy foods. Whole grain and multi grain breads can substitute plain white breads or pizza bases. Potato is a good source of carbohydrates. Keep in mind that fried potato such as chips contain almost thirteen times the amount of calories present in baked or boiled potato.
Vegetables constitute another important food group. A teenager requires 4-5 servings of veggies per day. Since most teenagers love to snack, it would be wise to provide tasty snacks that are made with vegetables. Include colorful vegetables in a salad to make it more attractive. You can give your salad a fresh green look by adding cabbage, spinach and broccoli to the salad. Include pumpkins, gourds or yellow bell peppers for a dash of yellow. Carrots and red bell peppers add a lovely rich red color to your salad. You can also steam a few fresh veggies and serve it along with a cold dip. Slices of hot baby corn, baby carrots and beets served along with a cold yogurt and mint dip make an excellent snack.
Fruits need to constitute 3-4 servings a day. There is nothing like fresh fruit that is cut up and easily accessible for a teenager. Certain variations to serving fruits are chilled milkshakes, smoothies or salads.
Calcium rich Dairy Foods should be served 3-4 times a day. This can be included with other groups like fruits and carbohydrates. They can also be eaten plain as cheese or yogurt, based on the teenager's tastes.
Proteins need to constitute 2-3 servings per day. Baked, roasted or grilled white meat is tasty as well as very strengthening.
Fats and Oils are necessary in a teenager's diet. However it is important to ensure that you use only healthy oils and make sure that you use it sparingly. Olive oil and flaxseed oils are healthy oils as they are rich in several nutrients and essential fatty acids.
Include the teenager when you plan the meals for the week. Wherever possible, include him/her even in the cooking process. However, do not attempt to force a teenager to learn to cook. Instead, you can just ask them to help out a little and their natural curiosity will drive them to learn more.
Increase Memory and Stress Relief - Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri:-
Brahmi is known to increase memory and relieve stress naturally as the herb nourishes the neurons that in turn improve retention ability and to get rid of unwanted anxieties. The herb has soothing effects on brain and therefore is used in treatments of depression.The alkaloids Brahmi contain are Bacoposides, the component that is considered to be responsible for Brahmi’s action to sharpen the memory and stress relief. Brahmi is also found very helpful in common forgetfulness because of the stressful lifestyle. It is quite safe to use every day and anyone can use it. Brahmi can also increase the concentrating power, stamina and provides headache relief. It can overcome mental fatigue as the herb is boasted as a complete natural remedy for the human brain.
Other properties of Bacopa are it helps to clarify the confused and cloudy state of the brain and give sooner relief from anxieties, stressful situation, hysterias, nervous breakdown, and insanity. Since Brahmi is medhya (nervine tonic), it can help improving the confidence, intelligence, and memory recalling capabilities and it also helps bringing an individual the mental lucidity and peace of mind.
The herb as described in Ayurvedic texts is powerful rejuvenator that assists in mental activity, brain superior function and overcoming nervous prostration. In ancient Ayurvedic literatures the herb has been reported as significant herb that was used by scholars and students for memorizing various tedious antediluvian Vedic hymns.
In ancient days, brahmi offered headaches relief and therefore, the herb was very much famous among people who worked mentally hard. The herb has a unique capability to provide with a newer energy to the brain to restore its equation in simultaneously reducing the consequences of distress and nervous anxieties.
Due to its calming and nurturing properties, Brahmi is very applicable in high stressful work loads or study environments, the states wherein clarity of brain is utmost and pioneer. Many people are blessed with the intelligence that help performing to strict standards, but if they lack the self-assurance to solve the problems and to make right decisions, Bacopa can certainly be helpful.
As a powerful nervine tonic, the herb can be used to help the people who have had strokes, nervous breakdowns or exhaustions due to one or the other reason. Many scholars believe that using brahmi can help you overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder wherein the individual is not capable to concentrate on any given task or project. It is also valued to assist the cases of mental retard-ness.
Study on Brahmi: - Research at the Department of Pediatrics, AIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) in New Delhi, India has revealed that herbal extracts of the Brahmi herb have even been shown improving the outlook of subnormal ties of the brain in children.
Bacopa can have a broad spectrum of indications such as it can give you stress relief and headaches relief. Stress-related memory problems can be cured very efficaciously using Brahmi for a longer duration.
5 Keys to Losing Belly Fat :-
Beer belly, spare tire, muffin top…we refer to our belly fat in many different, humorous and perhaps endearing ways; however the truth is, most would love to be rid of it.So why is it that you can have a skinny person with a big belly, or someone that works out hard and eats healthily but still has a belly? There are a few different reasons why some despite their best efforts still have belly fat.
Coritisol: This is the stress hormone. Being stressed and increasing your cortisol levels can lead to fat being deposited in the abdominal area.
Estrogen: Environmental factors have come to mean that the majority of people are walking around with excess estrogen. Estrogenic compounds called xenoestrogen are found in the air we breath, food, water and cosmetic products. These chemicals are known for creating hormonal imbalances which can lead to excess fat deposits, particularly in the belly area.
Sleep: When you sleep your body produces leptin, which suppresses your appetite. People who do not get enough sleep tend eat more during the day.
Nutrition: There’s no way to avoid it. Proper nutrition accounts for approximately 80% of fat loss. It really is true that you are what you eat.
Exercise: Lack of exercise will not only lead to fat gain but most importantly it will lead to weak muscles. Increased lean muscle mass will burn more calories at rest.
What to do?
Cortisol: Find a way to relax and relieve stress. Find time for yourself and let the little things go. As well eliminating caffeine and alcohol can have a positive effect on stress levels.
Estrogen: The best estrogen fighters are green leafy vegetables, citric fruits, omega 3 oils and organic dairy. Start your morning off with lemon water. Eat watercress and spinach a few times in the week along with other greens.
Sleep: Get to bed by 10:30 at least 5 nights a week and sleep 7-9 hours.
Nutrition: Eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables and good sources of lean protein. Limit alcohol and drink lots of water.
Exercise: Big compound movements such as squats, lunges, pull-ups and press ups will work your core and burn far more calories than sit ups or machines based exercises.
Abolishing belly fat isn’t easy but it can be done. Understanding what the causes of belly fat are and taking the necessary steps will get you one step closer to those fabulous looking abs!
Remember: Sleep – Nutrition – Exercise – Relax
Facts about Women Reproductive System :-
The science of women reproductive system is very complex to understand. In this article we will discuss in general about the women reproductive system, menstruation and orgasm. First of all we will discuss why do girls have menstruation?
Menstruation or periods is the discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus, which has been built up in anticipation of implantation of a fertilized egg. It is made by the nature for reproduction. Through this method the uterus is made prepared each month for pregnancy. If conception does not happen and the egg is not fertilized, this lining breaks down and together with a small amount of blood, it shed the menstrual period.
The blood that comes out of vagina does not indicate that anything is wrong. A girl begins to menstruate when she begins puberty. This can be between the age of 9 and 18. The average age is about 13. The number of days between each menstruation is governed by the production of hormones and this varies from person to person. Very few girls have completely regular periods. Irregular periods are inconvenient but it is not abnormal and during this period many girls and women feel discomfort, tension and irritability.
Now let’s discuss what is clitoris and where is it located. Clitoris is the most sensitive part of the woman genitals. Girls are generally less aware of their reproductive organs than boy because their external organs are smaller and less obvious. Clitoris is full of nerve endings. When stimulated it becomes stiff like an erect male reproductive organ. Stimulating it helps many women to have an orgasm.
But what exactly is the orgasm? It is the peak or climax of sexual excitement and pleasure during which ejaculation of semen occurs in the man and vicinal contraction in the woman. The peak period lasts less than a minute for most man and woman. To have an orgasm you have to be rubbed and stimulated until the feeling of pleasure and sexual tension becomes very strong. At orgasm this tension is suddenly released.
There is a common question that comes in the mind of most of the girls that can they make their breasts grow bigger? The truth is there is nothing one can do to speed the growth of breasts. If anyone tries to sell you enlargement creams or supplements to increase breast size then he is just making the false promises. Exercises are also of no use either since there are no muscles in the breast tissue.
Copyright © Anna Patrick, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.
Tips to help you with sleep deprivation - How to have the best night of sleep in years :-
Sleep deprivation affects over one fourth of the American population. While this is most likely caused by our fast paced way of life, it can cause serious problems. For example, sleep deprivation can cause one to have a slower reaction time or to fall asleep at the wheel. Sleep deprivation is almost equal to intoxication while driving. Imagine if one fourth of the drivers on the road were drunk? Would you feel safe? You shouldn’t because over one hundred thousand accidents were caused in 2007 by sleepy drivers. This is why we all need to address sleep deprivation and learn how to cure it.For starters, if you are suffering from extreme sleep deprivation you should consult your doctor. Sleep deprivation is very dangerous for you, for others, and for your health. You doctor will be able to prescribe you with medicine or suggest an over the counter treatment.
If you are suffering from minor sleep deprivation, you can, but do not have to, take over the counter medications. There are many other factors that can help you calm you and your brain down so that you are able to relax and sleep.
The first step to overcoming sleep deprivation is to watch what you are doing before you go to bed. Avoid exercising an hour before you want to sleep. Exercising keeps the body and brain stimulated and gives you energy. Try exercising in the morning instead. Also, avoid caffeine, nicotine, and sugary foods an hour before you go to bed, for some people even longer.
The second step is to avoid situations of stress. Stress can have a huge factor on how one sleeps. Avoid arguments before going to sleep. Call it truce for the night and settle the problem in the morning if you absolutely have to. Do not allow yourself to stay up all night worrying about it. As well, do not lay in bed worrying about sleep. This will also keep you up. Stay relaxed and try not to think about much. Bore yourself to sleep.
The third step is time management. Many people, especially Americans, do not get enough sleep because they feel there is too much to do and they do not have time for sleep. This is a big mistake on their part. Sleep is one of the most important things we can give our body and our brain. Sleep allows us to recharge, stay healthy, think clearly, and stay alert. Sleep allows us to be as productive as we can be.
So instead of choosing work over sleep, try to manage your time better so you can have both. Make a schedule for yourself every week, plan when you will work and when you will sleep. Write everything down, so you have a clear understanding of what you should do to accomplish all your tasks that week.
Sleeping is extremely important, so be sure to follow ALL of these so you are able to fall asleep right away and sleep throughout the night. Be sure to allow yourself to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. Also, try to stay on a regular sleeping pattern, it is much healthier for your body.
Natural hair loss Sollutions:-
Hair loss may come as a surprise, but it is no mystery. Both men and women suffer hair loss but patterns may be different in women than in men.
Hair loss can be an embarrassing problem for both men and women. While there are a variety of treatment options for hair loss such as topically and orally administered medications, some people desire a more natural approach. If you're looking for a natural remedy for hair loss, you have several options.
This article helps you to get rid from the problem of hair loss by natural herbs. There are many causes for hair loss like dandruff, itchy scalp, baldness and thinning of hairs. Hair loss problem is very common and faced by everyone once in their life. It is caused due to the excess usage of chemicals to hairs like perming, bleaching, coloring and straightening.
All these chemicals can stop the hair growth. Hair fall can be caused due to the poor nutrition and improper flow of blood circulation to the scalp. It is also caused due to the stress, depression and also excess usage of drugs. 50 to 100 head hair loss is normal and they grow back to the same follicle but excess hair fall means something is wrong is the body.
Natural Hair Loss Solutions
There are many medical solutions to solve the problem of hair fall, but excess consuming of antibiotics can cause side effects. It is better to go for herbal solutions as they do not have any kind of side effects and it is not much expensive treatment than allopathic. Here are some herbs which help you to get rid from hair loss problem and also give you healthy and long hairs
Stress is also the main cause of hair loss. There are many herbs which help you to reduce the stress and provide you calmness and peace. Herbs like brahmi, ashwgandha and guggul helpful in to reduce stress.
There are some ayurvedic herbs which help to get rid from hair fall problem. Herbs like brahmi, dashamoola, jatamamsi and bhringraja. These herbs are very beneficial for hair and provide you healthy and long hairs.
There are some Chinese herbs also which helps you to reduce the hair fall like psoralea seeds, mulberries and oyster. These herbs are also very effective and reduce the hair fall.
Henna is also very effective herb for hairs. It is one of the oldest herb which helps to reduce the hair fall and it act as the conditioner to the hairs.
Rosemary is also very good for hairs. Boil the rosemary with nettle, peach leafs, burdock and sage. And wash your hairs with this solution on regular basis, this will help you to reduce the hair fall and gives you healthy and strong hairs.
You can also consume tea of burdock and marshmallow is also very effective and helps you in reducing hair fall problem.
Apply herbal oil to the hairs and massage gently. Apply oil to the roots of hairs it helps you to reduce the hair loss. Herbal oil like coconut, olive oil, amla and almond oil it helps you to reduce the dryness, dandruff and also reduce the itchy scalp.
Wash your hairs with shikakai with the lemon juice this will help you to reduce the dandruff and dryness. It also gives you long and shinning hairs.
Another natural way to treat certain types of hair loss is with nutrition and supplementation. Your diet should contain a good balance of fruits, vegetables, lowfat dairy, lean protein and healthy fats such as olive and fish oils.
If you don't like fish, try supplementing your diet with a fish oil capsule to get the benefits of Omega 3 and 6 oils. Another supplement is B Vitamin products thought to promote healthy skin, hair and nails.
There are two most important herbs which help to get rid if hair loss problem are palmetto and nettle. These herbs are very beneficial and also scientifically proven that these herbs are very effective for hairs. Wash your hairs with these herbs regularly you can notice that your hairs become strong, shinning and stops hair fall.
Hair loss in men – Common reasons :-
Hair loss, specifically, male pattern hair loss (MPHL) is the most common type of hair loss exhibited by men. Almost 95% of the cases of hair loss are a result of MPHL. Studies indicate that by the time they reach 50, half of all men are suffering from male pattern hair loss.
Hair loss
Typically, male pattern hair loss is characterized by a receding hairline. This can also be accompanied by a gradual balding of the crown. Hair loss is a progressive condition. If steps are not taken to treat the condition, it will continue unabated. By the time you might take notice of your hair loss, there is a good chance that almost 50% of your hair may be lost. This is why it’s important to recognize the causes of hair loss and embark on a treatment option that can help treat your hair loss in the best possible way. Hair loss treatment options restrict hair loss and also stimulate new hair growth.
Male pattern hair loss
Male pattern hair loss or male pattern alopecia is a condition, wherein, a man suffers from hair loss on the top of the head and/or a receding hair line. This progressive thinning of hair is also known as androgenic alopecia. Occurring in adult males, its amount and pattern can vary greatly. Researchers believe that men can inherit this condition from either side of the family. A chemical called dihydrotestosterone or DHT is one of the key factors responsible for male pattern hair loss.
Male pattern hair loss - Causes
As aforementioned, the blame for this condition can be laid at the doorstep of your genes that come from both sides of your family. Genetics, one of the major causes of male pattern hair loss, can make your hair follicles more vulnerable to a chemical substance called DHT. If you are suffering from MPHL, your body has elevated levels of DHT in your balding scalp. According to scientists, DHT is the primary factor responsible for the shrinkage of your hair follicles. It also contributes towards decreasing the number of visible hair. There are other causes of hair loss also which include medicinal side effects, medical conditions, surgical procedures and illnesses.
Overcoming the hair loss problem
There are various treatment options available for treating your hair loss problem. There are a number of products available that have been created specifically for male pattern hair loss. The efficacy of all these products differs in individuals; this means that product that works for someone won’t necessarily work for you. Oral tablets like Propecia are emerging as an effective treatment option for male pattern hair loss. Hair transplant is another option that can help restore lost hair. It would be a good idea to talk to your doctor about the perfect treatment option for your hair loss.
Buying Propecia for hair loss treatment
Propecia is a prescription medication that helps treat mild to moderate cases of male pattern hair loss. Various extensive and exhaustive clinical studies have proven the efficacy of this oral medication. It is a ‘men’s only’ drug that should not be used by women or children. You can buy Propecia easily through certified online pharmacies. All you need to do is present your prescription so that you can embark upon an effective hair loss treatment plan.
Fruit Diets Really Work :-
Maintaining a nutritious diet which includes vegetables and fruits, plays a significant role in raising your overall health and wellness of your body. Professionals will always tell you to include lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet so that you can get all your essentials nutrients. There is one fruit that can supply you with plenty of the essential nutrients needed, and that fruit is the Acai berry which can provide you with all these essential vitamins and minerals for your body. Let's take a look at all the reasons why you should consider using the Superfood Acai berry regularly.Acai berry is the Healthiest Fruit in the World
Acai berry is a fruit that is round and shape and comes from the jungles in places like Brazil, it contains tons of nutrients like Vitamins A, C, E and minerals that help the body in accelerating the metabolism process. Acai berry can be found in both liquid and powder types of supplements. Pure Acai berry is known as one of the best Acai berry supplements in the world, it can be found in capsules that are freeze dried from 100% natural Acai berries. The Acai berry can help in reducing body weight by accelerating the bodys metabolism intake and rate. Acai berry is known to aid in constipation problems, aging, bloating and many more health issues. This can be a result of simply just taking some Acai berry supplement each and every day, which will lead to a healthier, longer life.
Many people wonder how such a small fruit can provide as many benefits while improving energy levels, rejuvenating skin, enhancing libido and much more. The Acai berry is a powerhouse of amino acids, fibre, iron, omega fatty acids, antioxidants and more. These are some reasons why millions of people are using Acai berry each and every day to promote a better lifestlye.
Acai Berry Side-effects
Acai berry supplements are made with 100% acai extracts; this allows the fruit to produce little or no side-effect when consumned. Some side effects that may happen early on are allergies, loss of appetite and other small things, these are just some of the things people may experience briefly when taking the healthiest fruit on the planet. You should note, this will go away after the first couple days of ingesting the supplements as it is just your body getting used to all the power and nutrients within the Acai berry extract.
Buying Acai berry Supplements online
Acai berry supplements are all over the internet, you can really see the Acai berry trend blowup as millions worldwide are telling their success stories about using the Acai berry for things like weightloss and reverse aging. You can find alot of Acai berry products actually giving away free trials in which the customer just pays for shipping. This is a great way to get on the Acai train and make your health your number one priority to live a better and longer life.
The History of Tea:-
According to legend, the origins of tea began when Shen Nung, an emperor who ruled China 5,000 years ago, discovered the brew during a visit to a distant region of his realm. Shen Nung had issued an edict in his empire that all drinking water was to be boiled for health precautions. During this trip, the emperor and his retinue stopped to rest. His servants brewed water for the emperor and leaves from a nearby bush drifted into the cup of hot water. Out of curiosity, the emperor drank the resulting dark liquid and found it satisfying.Whether this legend is true or not, most historians agree that the brew we know as tea today has its origins in ancient China. In 800 A.D., Lu Yu, a Buddhist monk disillusioned with his training, rebelled and subsequently went into seclusion. During this time, Lu Yu extensively wrote down the various methods of tea cultivation and preparation. The emperor during that period was so impressed with Yu's work that the monk was deified as a saint.
Another Buddhist priest, Yeisei, travelled to imperial Japan and introduced the empire to the concept of tea as a vehicle to enhance meditation. Because of this, Yeisei became known in Japan as "The Father of Tea". The popularity of the brewed drink spread throughout the country and became intrinsically associated with Zen Buddhism. Eventually, the drink would be elevated to an art form resulting in the ritual Japanese Tea Ceremony, an art form observed by Irish-Greek historian Patrick Lafcadio Hearn who lived among the Japanese and was re-christened Koizumi Yakumo. The tea ceremonies would eventually evolve into ceremonial tea houses hosted by traditional geishas.
Rumors about the brewed drink began to filter outside Asia, but early travelers were confused as to its value or even its appearance. This confusion cleared up when the Portuguese Jesuit priest Jasper de Cruz wrote about his personal encounter with the drink. The Portuguese established trade routes with China, and then began to export tea leaves to Lisbon. Dutch traders transported the leaves to France and Holland. The drink was particularly popular at The Hague and because of its inflated cost, was initially a luxury that only the rich could afford. The tea craze spread throughout Europe, and as sales expanded, prices decreased to a point where the average citizen could enjoy the brew. Russia's introduction to the Asian drink occurred in 1618 when the Chinese embassy in Moscow presented chests of tea to Czar Alexis. Initially only enjoyed by Russian royalty and the wealthy, the price of tea had decreased significantly by the time of Catherine the Great's death in 1796, and the drink spread throughout Russian society.
Tea arrived in the colonies and in Great Britain around the same time. Around 1650, Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch Director-General of the colony of The New Netherland (New York) brought the first tea to American shores (although some historians claim that French botanist Andre Michaux was the first one to introduce tea leaves to American when he imported them along with other plants). The first samples of tea reached England between 1652 and 1654 and subsequently replaced ale as the national drink. In America, the exorbitant taxation on tea as well as on other items by the King of England resulted in the famous tea party rebellion in Boston in 1773, where the male citizens, dressed as Native Americans, threw hundreds of pounds of tea into the Boston harbor.
In the 1800's, English and American cookbooks provided recipes on how to serve tea iced cold. Some of the oldest recipes for iced teas, known as punches, were made from green tea instead of the traditional black tea. In certain recipes, various liquors were added. In the South, tea enthusiasts found their iced tea more pleasant to drink when they added sugar and in some cases, lots and lots of sugar.
In the early 20th century, American tea merchant Thomas Sullivan noticed that many restaurants brewed their tea in bags to avoid the messiness of tea leaves. Sullivan took this idea and developed the concept of "bagged tea".
All teas derive from the same basic plant, Camellia Sinesis. The plant is cultivated worldwide in both tropical and non-tropical regions. Although there are over 3,000 varieties, tea is divided in five basic categories:
Black tea is withered which leads to oxidation. Once the water is fully evaporated, the leaves absorb more oxygen. The characteristic brown and black leaves result. The taste is more robust than other brands and when brewed, the tea produces a higher level of caffeine.
Green tea is also allowed to wither. The resulting oxidation is then stopped by rapidly heating the leaves. The taste of this tea is more subtle and is less caffeinated.
Oolong tea (also known as wulong tea) undergoes partial oxidation only. It's caffeine content and flavoring is between that of black and green teas. Many describe the taste as that of fresh fruit.
White tea is the most delicate and most subtle. Unlike the others, it has a natural sweetness. Hand processed using the youngest shoots, the tea goes through no oxidation and produces very low amounts of caffeine.
Puerh is more indigenous to China and has an earthy flavor. More prized for its medicinal properties, the aged black tea was illegal in the U.S. until 1995. It's taste is strong and peaty. The closely guarded process for the tea is unknown outside of China.
Today, tea has evolved into a multimillion dollar industry. Billions of drinkers worldwide continue to appreciate the various flavors and textures of a drink that originated as an "accident" 5,000 years ago.
All You Need To Know About Caregivers:-
Many people have felt the need for a qualified caregiver at some point of time in our busy lives. Someone qualified and reliable would be an excellent solution to look after possibly a child, new mother or a patient, particularly when we are unable to take care of him or her personally. Hiring a caregiver can be beneficial in many ways. A trustworthy caregiver helps you to relax and focus on your work as your loved one is in safe hands.There are different types of caregiver services depending on your needs and requirements. The following is the brief description of different caregiver services that can help you to understand better before choosing a service.
• Nanny
A nanny looks after your child or infant and assists with household chores. She or he will come to your home in order to take care of your child at the given point of time in a day or night. Sometimes that individual may overnight if required.
• Babysitter
Unlike a nanny a babysitter typically temporarily cares for your child in evenings, weekends, or for a short-term commitment. A babysitter is very helpful when you are stepping out for a few hours and you need someone to watch a sleeping child or to play games making them and you feel comfortable.
• Night nurse
A night nurse provides evening or overnight care services for newborns and occasionally seniors at your home. This person can either be a registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, certified nursing assistant, home health aide, or simply a care provider that does overnights.
• Senior caregiver
A senior caregiver simply takes care of the elderly who has special requirements and needs. This will include duties such as assisting the senior in his or her daily routine, driving to the hospital, taking care when they are sick etc. based on the terms agreed.
• Pet sitter
A pet sitter takes care of your pet with regular services like dog walking or on special circumstances like pet transportation or hospitalization. You can rely on a pet sitter even when you are on a vacation, where he or she can visit your pet at your home.
• Household assistant
A household assistant will help you in the daily household tasks when you have other priorities work to focus on. This can be a long-term or short-term service based on your requirement.
It is not easy to find a trustworthy caregiver as it is a big responsibility to dole out. It is very important to find a well-qualified and reliable caregiver who makes you feel relaxed and secure while you are busy with other priorities.
Back pain is very common and most people suffer from it at some time, however, most back problems heal naturally. The spinal cord which carries nerves from the brain the rest of the body travels in a canal through the ‘vertebrae’. These are the bones that make up the ‘spinal column’. This is what you feel if you run your fingers up the centre of your back.
What causes back pain and who is at risk?
Pain from the back may have a single cause, such as a blow, a fall or over-exertion, but is far more likely to be caused by a gradual accumulation of stress and strain on the back over a long period. Occasionally, back pain may be caused by pressure on the nerves in the spine, usually from a damaged vertebral disc.
General causes of back pain include:
Prolonged standing or bending at work
Badly designed seating, especially during sedentary work
Specific causes of back pain include:
Lifting, pulling, pushing or carrying objects incorrectly or that are too heavy
An accident, such as a fall
Menstruation or pre- menstrual syndrome (PMS)
Causes of lumbar pain include:
Pressure on a nerve in the lower back
Bladder infection, an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer
A damaged (‘ruptured’) vertebral disc
Degeneration of the vertebrae (spondylosis)
Inflammation of the vertebrae (spondylitis)
Some other conditions can cause pain:
Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
Aortic aneurysm (enlargement and weakening of the major artery called the aorta)
How do doctors recognise back problems?
Pain that travels down the legs below the knee
Weakness or numbness in one or both legs
Loss of control of the bowel or bladder
You should also seek your doctor’s advice if:
You have persistent pain after a severe blow, a fall or an injury
Your back pain lasts longer than a week.
If damage to the nerves of the spinal cord is suspected, you may need additional tests or treatment. These may include X-rays, CT (computerised tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or a myelogram (a special X-ray) which shows the nerves and spinal cord (see separate factsheets for descriptions of these investigations).
What is the treatment for back pain?
Self-care action plan
The best way to prevent common back problems is to stay fit and active. An exercise programme should include stretching and strengthening specifically for the back, and aerobic exercises. A physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractic or fitness trainer can suggest which exercises are best for each individual but remember: any exercise should be gentle and you should never be forced to strain your back.Rest the feet flat on the floor or use a foot support to prevent the weight of the lower legs being supported by the front of the thighs.
To lift safely:
Make a firm base with the feet, keeping them about shoulder width apart
Lift with the legs, bending the knees rather than the back
Do not kneel or overbend the knees
Keep the chin held in and raised as this helps keep the back straight
Ensure the load is as close to the body as possible
Complementary therapy
The Alexander technique can help you adopt a posture that puts less strain on the back.
Facing Sexual Addiction :-
Sex is biological necessity something that we desire, yet be able to control. Sex addiction is the opposite. One can’t tell when and how to stop the urge of having sex. It becomes a habit and becomes severe if left unattended. Sex is the ultimate expression of love. A desire that every single being wants. Uncontrollable behavior can lead to singleness and often forgets to socialize with other people and most of all the immediate family. For men it’s by nature yet for women it’s shameful and so sinful and degrading.
How do experts tell what makes a person a sex addict as opposed to someone who just likes sex? It’s the bad things that happening knowing that it is bad but you keep on doing it like you’re insane. The selfish needs, the loneliness and anger can trigger some one to divert sex as the solution of their problem.
Many hoped that married life would bring an end to a life preoccupied by sex. All this crazy stuff in the past might be over if they get married. For you can have a regular sex partner but studies shows that sex addict who uses marriage as an object even becomes worst and rapidly urges in self-deception and look at pornography.
Wanting to experience a satisfying sexual intercourse will result to acting it out and eventually had a lot of preoccupation with planning or doing or thinking what it would be like.
The sexual part is pleasurable and it was a nice byproduct for everyone, but that wasn't the most important thing getting non-sexual needs met sexually and that was the only way to some on how to meet those needs.”
Most sex addict was abused at their childhood and a common precursor to addiction. Most experiencing addiction feels the comfort of their zone initially once get sexual intercourse but it just an initial relief in awhile the urge of having it again triggers even in just a couple of hours. Self-deception or masturbation can prolong the needs of sexual addicts.
Facing the obstacles is the great challenge for the addicted person. It is something that yourself alone can heal the desire the passion the insanity of repetitive action. A good counseling can lead to a positive outcome but still the person involve should fight himself and it’s indeed hard to deal with. Facing an enemy which is you is the most difficult task to overcome. The only thing that this abnormalities can be treated is to make sure that the sex addict engage with social and physical activities and open up problems especially if have a past sexual abuse.
Author Resource:- Christina is a freelance resource writer managing several website across the Internet.
If you would like to ask questions regarding Sexual Addiction contact Jeffrey Schultz, LPC, CSAT. He is a counselor in private practice with The Sonoran Healing Center Center in Phoenix, Arizona who specializes in the treatment of substance abuse and process addictions with an expertise in treating compulsive sexual behaviors (sex and love addictions)...There is help for you.
Recovering from Sexual Addiction :-
A person engaged in continuous and increasing pattern of sexual behavior despite of the effect to self and others, more so with families could be define as sexual addiction. The sexually addicted person loses the capacity to control sexual acts and instead indulges sexual fantasies and a near unremitting seeking out sexual “fix”.
A condition that is considered important since it interferes with ones life, not only of his or her but also the folks around him. On the other hand, the good news is, it can be treated. . Recovery is possible and when the method is followed addicts can surely recover. Trust plays vital role in the process for recovering. A person can and can get and stay sexually sober as long as they do the things they must do so that they don’t do the stuff they can escape the things they should be doing. It’s that straightforward but not all that easy.
Healing takes time and hard work but with assistance and a caring environment , renewal of the sexual addict’s physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and sexual life will finally take place. Professional help is needed and greatly recommended for reasons that sexual dependence is a complex problem that demands experts in the field; but realization and acceptance must come first from the sexual addict. Sexual addicts are often aware of the attitude but are usually helpless to do something regarding the behavior until the consequences of their behavior affect the lives of the people around them including themselves.
There are lots of avenues available not only for the sex addict but also for the people around him or her, in healing the sexual addiction and starting to regain power and self-esteem. Healing comprises of rebuilding trust and relationships ruined by this serious disorder. Psychotherapy is high on the list of recommendations and finding someone who really specializes and understands this situation is significant. Almost all sexual addicts are unsure to share their secret lives others they don’t trust and to whom they think will not understand. It is therefore significant to find the right therapist that the sex addict can connect with and who understands the complex matter of recovery from sexual addiction. Attending to a 12-step recovery group like Sex Addicts Anonymous, “working the steps” with a sponsor, and building a community of people in recovery is highly recommended as well. Entering a sex addiction healing therapy group could be a big help. Medications may also be point out to control symptoms of depression, anxiety, or even Bipolar or Attention Deficit Disorders.
The crucial step in dealing with sex addiction is the acceptance of the disorder. Only when the individual realizes that his or her sexual action patterns cause a problem and that something must change will the healing process start. Until the behavior stops, none is changed. Understanding the conditions causing the sexually compulsive behaviors comes after admitting that there is such problem and the acceptance that the individual is truly out of control. It is only then that the recovery and healing process through the help of the methods stated above can start. When the individual starts to admit that there is a problem and admits that he or she truly loses the capacity to control his or her own sexual actions, it’s only the time when the above cited process will start.
Author Resource:- Christina is a freelance resource writer for various subjects on Sexual Addiction. Jen McCain is a researcher conducting a study about Sexual Addiction.
If you would like to ask questions regarding Sexual Addiction contact Jeffrey Schultz, LPC, CSAT. He is a counselor in private practice with The Sonoran Healing Center Center in Phoenix, Arizona who specializes in the treatment of substance abuse and process addictions with an expertise in treating compulsive sexual behaviors (sex and love addictions).. There is help for you.